Nadat ik de rots aangebracht had begon ik met de groene velden (struiken en bossen) - bij het eerste probeersel had mijn berg precies een hoela-hoep rokje aan en heb ik vlug alles losgemaakt en ben ik herbegonnen. Ik heb toen ook besloten de groene zone onder te verdelen in 3 verschillende lagen. Dit vond ik al heel wat beter. Ik weet niet of het zichtbaar is op de foto's maar ik heb er wat reliëf in aangebracht door de stoffen van de rots gewoon te verfrommelen en op te vullen met den overschot van de stof. Onder de groene heuvels heb ik een weinig batting aangebracht.
Finally I had some free time to concentrate on my landscape quilt. It's amazing how much time is spend trying out different fabrics and ways to apply them. I tried bringing a 3-dimensial effect to it by putting the extra fabric of the rock underneather it and squeezing the entire rock. When applying the green fabric representing the trees and shrubs my mountain looked like it was dressed with a hoola-skirt. After unpicking it all I restarted and decided to do the green part in three layers thus giving a nicer effect (I think so anyway) behind the shrubs I added some batting in order to give it the fuller effect.
Since I want to use some shells etc I felt that the landscape needed that bit of extra filling in order for it to look more realistic. Whether I'll achieve the look that I want remains to be seen.
I think there are many of us quilters out there with a landscape quilt in a bag in our closet! Good for you to take it out and start working on it again!
ReplyDeleteAnd to top it all I am enjoying it :-))